Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Parent Conferences in November
Now, please mark your calendar for the next, important chance for you to formally connect with your child’s teacher – parent conferences. For the last few years, the district has been holding these during the short week of school that precedes the Thanksgiving holiday.
Elementary Schools:
Monday, 11/21. Afternoon and Evening
Tuesday, 11/22. Afternoon
Wednesday, 11/23. Morning
Junior-Senior High School:
Tuesday, 11/22. Afternoon and Evening
Please note that, as part of the district’s Strategic Plan, the following is an Action Plan:
“Require parent participation in district-wide teacher conferences in order to enhance individual student achievement.”
The reason for the inclusion of this Action Plan was to clearly establish for parents, especially parents of our 6th-12th grade students, that they should be in attendance at conference time and use this opportunity to further establish the important school-home connection. During the development stage of the Strategic Plan, it was made clear that for some parents there was a level of uncertainty with regard to whether they should attend parent-teacher conferences if their children were performing well in the class. The inclusion of the action plan to require attendance at conferences is to help remove any doubt.
Building principals will provide reminders about the upcoming conferences and then also follow up by sending out letters to those who miss attending. There is another opportunity later in the school year, in February (2/22/12), for those who are unable to get to the November session; attendance in February will also satisfy the district’s expectation. Finally, any conference that you hold with a teacher outside these official conference days will also suffice to satisfy the required parent conference.
We look forward to working with you throughout the school year to help ensure the success of your child.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Spotlight on Ms. Blizzard
o fiction: The Harry Potter Series
o nonfiction: Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I Did Not Exercise This Morning

Routines work for many of us. For me, a daily routine is to exercise first thing in the morning -- every day, seven days a week. That way, it is done and, as I read one time, you are always glad, when you are finished, that you completed something good for your health.
But . . . today, I am off my routine. Now, I have to find time to make it happen. I am here at school with a Board Of Education committee meeting during the early part of this evening, so it will be a late night workout of some sort. Not fun -- and something that is less likely to happen.
Routines work well with our children. Students who have good routines when they come home from school can structure their time for success.
*When does homework get done?
*Where in the house is the best place for homework completion?
*How much time will be dedicated to homework?
Once the routine is established, there is a greater likelihood of success:
Home from school, snack, 1/2 hour of television, 1 hour of work, 1 hour free time, dinner, finish homework (if needed), free time.
What is your child's homework completion routine? Talking about the routine and the value of having this structure may help.
One routine for our Jr.-Sr. High School students to incorporate into their day (if time allows) is to attend WORKPLACE after school in the library. There, any student can have a nice place to go to complete homework where computers, college age tutors, and certified mathematics and language arts literacy teachers are available to assist. A snack is provided, too.
The elementary schools will be starting a form of WORKPLACE in each of their buildings a bit later in the school year.
Good luck. (and, good luck to me working in my exercise now that I am off my daily routine!)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Woodbury Girls Tennis Tops in Gloucester County Singles Play

Congratulations to our girls tennis team players.
Maddie Graziani plays first singles on the team and Isabella Schoning plays at second singles.
Over the weekend, the annual Gloucester County Times Tennis Tournament took place. This tournament features tennis players from across the county. The singles competition came down to our two top players playing each other for first and second place. This same thing happened last year.
Maddie won that last match and caputured her third straight Gloucester County title.
Again, congratulations to both young ladies.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Spotlight on Mrs. Crowley
Mrs. Kerri Crowley
Teacher of Spanish
Jr.-Sr. High School
• Name: Kerri L. Crowley
• College(s) and degrees(s): Douglass College, Rutgers University - B.A. in Spanish, B.A. in Middle Eastern Studies, B.A. in Information Technology & Informatics
Rowan University - M.S.T. in Secondary Education
• Work experience: This is my first year teaching!
I work/have worked at TD Bank since April of 2006 as a Senior Customer Service Representative and Certified Consumer Lender.
• Favorite books
o fiction: Anything written by Charlaine Harris - she is my favorite author! Also The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, The Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown, and many more!
o nonfiction: The Next Catastophe: Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters by Charles Perrow and Letters to a Young Teacher by Jonathan Kozol
• Television Show: Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives
• Last movie I loved: The Shawshank Redemption - I just saw it for the first time!
• Music CD that I have almost worn out from repeated playing: Adele "21"
• Person (living or not) that I’d like to have lunch with and why: My great-grandmother Rose D'Angiolini, who I had the privilege to spend 11 years of life with learning to speak Italian, cook, and laugh. I'd give anything to spend some more time with her.
• Visiting this place makes me peaceful: Shenandoah National Park
• One item on my “to do” list that I can’t seem to get to: Skydiving
• Favorite animal (domestic or wild): Cats - I am definitely a cat person!
• Favorite sports team: Philadelphia Flyers (I am a HUGE hockey fan)
• Destination of my fantasy vacation trip: A leisurely cruise through the Mediterranean Sea!
• Details about the teacher I will never forget who inspired me to enter the profession: The teacher who inspired me to enter the profession was working at a newly established charter school in Houston, TX. She was teaching a Bilingual Pre-K class and she was so passionate about working with the children and she put her heart and soul into every lesson. Seeing how hard she worked and how much the kids were learning every day was so motivating. I realized quickly that I belong in a classroom, using my passion for language and love for children as impetus for creating engaging lessons. I am very thankful I had the opportunity to go see Celeste Baretto in action, or I may never have found my way into the profession I love so much!
• Anything Else: Although I am a Spanish teacher, I also speak Arabic and Italian as well. From my studies at Rutgers University, I can also read French, German, and Aramaic (Biblical Hebrew).
Thursday, September 15, 2011
White & Gold -- Community Edition
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Current Woodbury Alumni on College Rosters
Isaiah Roberts: Navy
Marc DiRugeris: Chestnut Hill
Kenny Moore: Slippery Rock University
Megan Fox: Wilmington University
Marcus Davis: Ramapo College
Shawney Kersey: Penn State University
Dyshawn Davis: Syracuse University
Jared Roberts: Lafayette College
Brian Purnell: University of Delaware
Tyler Jenkins: Rowan University
Eric Blackwell: Rowan University
Matt White: Rowan University
Michael Paige: Saint Vincent's College
Robert DiRugeris: Ohio State University
Eric Ulmer: Bentley University
Michael Ulmer: Stone Hill College
Kevin Brown: Rutgers (New Brunswick) University
Jacqui Nisbett: Rowan University
Alexis Gligor: University of Delaware
. . . thanks for sharing, Mr. Howey!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Woodbury on Twitter
Friday, September 09, 2011
Spotlight Postings on Fridays
The list of new hires is shorter than it has been in the recent past. It will only take a couple of months to cycle through the eight names below. We welcome each to the district (and, in the case of Mr. Vivadelli, to his new assignment!).
Stay tuned . . .
Ellen Grimes
Assistant Principal
High School
Jason Vivadelli
Principal, Evergreen
Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction: Grades PreK-5
Jr.-Sr. High School
Kerri Crowley - Spanish
Surinder Kaur – Science
Christine Blizzard – Elementary Enrichment
Joanne Ferrara – Preschool
Emily Mason – Elementary Instrumental Music
Mary Moody – Media Specialist
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Access to the Internet
Therefore, I am printing the specifics of the new Comcast initiative here:
Bringing the Internet to your home is easy and affordable
Now you can connect to the Internet at home - for school, work, communicating with others and so much more.
How to qualify:
To qualify for $9.95 a month Internet service and a low-cost computer, your household must meet all these criteria:
1.Be located where Comcast offers Internet service
2.Have at least one child receiving free school lunches through the National School Lunch Program
3.Have not subscribed to Comcast Internet service within the last 90 days
4.Not have an overdue Comcast bill or unreturned equipment
How to apply:
1.Call 1-855-8-INTERNET (1-855-846-8376) to request an application
2.We will mail you an application. Complete and return it, along with lunch program documents from your child's school
3.We will notify you by mail about the status of your application. Allow 7-10 days for a response.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
We are Back . . . and my Blog Entries are Back, Too
Even our students were ready to get back to school (well, most of them!). Our teachers understand the important role that they play in the education of Woodbury's children and value the faith and trust that has been placed in them by you.
Here are some pictures of my day as I moved about the district buildings:

I hope that your child(ren) had an enjoyable first day. We look forward to working in partnership with our families and the Woodbury community to create a valuable, personalized learning experience for all.
We work to prepare our students to "meet life's challenges with courage, confidence and pride." [Woodury Strategic Plan -- Mission Statement]