Tuesday, April 22, 2008

English 100 Class Project -- Mrs. Lario

Maria Lario’s English 100 students’ strong emotional connection to Night, Elie Wiesel’s autobiographical account of the Holocaust, recently translated into a powerful classroom project.

The idea grew from a parent’s email. For the project, the students had to depict either a scene or a concept from the book. They were asked to brainstorm ideas and then plan out a drawing in detail, explaining the significance of their figures used, the symbols, and even the colors. The students also wrote a formal explanation to accompany their drawings.

The original plan was to create a paper quilt until Sue Berting, 7th grade Science teacher, offered to share her skills as a quilter. The result is the Night quilt displayed.

You can imagine how excited Mrs. Lario’s students were to see the finished product. The students’ work will be shared at tomorrow's Board of Education meeting.

Recently, Mrs. Lario was informed that The Goodwin Holocaust Museum of the Delaware Valley would like the have the quilt loaned to them for display at the Cherry Hill-based museum. The museum plans to display the quilt on April 30th for the Yom Ha Shoah evening in remembrance of the Holocaust.

(Information from this post came from Denise Dunham, Principal, and a letter that Mrs. Lario sent to the parents of her students regarding the quilt project.)

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