Monday, October 18, 2010

Hall of Fame Recap

Special thanks are extended to the Hall of Fame Committee for putting together a wonderful evening this past Saturday: Grant Shivers, Tony DeLucas, Ed Hughes, Frank Gwalthney, Megan Lucidi, Scott Henderson, and Calvin Ferguson.

Those of us in attendance at the Hall of Fame Induction Dinner were treated to a night of Woodbury High School memories and the reaffirmation that this school district is a unique, special place. Alumni with athletic talent spanning classes from 1925 through 1993, three coaches and three additional “distinguished” alumni constituted the group inducted.

A highlight of the evening were the warm remarks of the 1939 graduate, Mary Lockett Moody. She spoke about being an African American athlete at a time when that was not the norm for schools and how her coach insisted, even when other schools attempted to turn away the African American student athletes, that they were one team and that everyone played or no one played. Though she indicated her 90 year old body was not ready to climb the stadium steps as part of a practice routine, she did talk about how she continues to carry many of the lessons learned as a student at Woodbury with her throughout her life.

The current high school principal, Mrs. Dunham, will be reaching out to Ms. Moody to set up opportunities for her to connect with the students who walk the halls today. She has recently moved back to Woodbury after a number of years in the south.

Congratulations to all the new inductees and thank you for sharing such fond memories of your time at Woodbury High School.

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