Thursday, November 30, 2006

Nighttime Activity

The school buildings do not sleep. Board meetings, musicals, school sports teams practices, community recreation programs, adult English as a Second Language classes, Family Nights, PTA meetings . . .

It seems that these winter months bring even more activity to our schools during the night hours. We welcome everyone and look to make our schools vital centers to community activity.

There is a process that is required to secure the use of the building. Groups who already do business with the schools know the procedure. For those of you with questions, you can contact our Facilities Department by e-mailing at

Those using the building are asked to respect the fact that we are open for business in an effort to serve both extended school activities and the larger city community needs. Additionally, we ask all our adult visitors to help in monitoring the good use of the schools. Please feel free to ask a neighborly question to anyone you believe may be extending beyond our good will.

We hope that you enjoy these upcoming months when we all buckle down against the cold and spend more time indoors. The Woodbury Public Schools look forward to providing you a place for some quality evening activity during the winter.

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