Monday, May 19, 2008

Forecast for May and June -- Learning

My son was asked by his grandparent this weekend --- “ how much longer, less than a month?” And he looked at his cell phone, confirmed the date, and happily reported that it was, in fact, less than a month until summer vacation.

One of the added, instructional benefits of the Woodbury geothermal HVAC system recently installed in three of the school buildings (and the complementary system at the Walnut Street School) is that the in-class program can continue without interference of those muggy, 90 degree + days that can occur during these closing weeks of school. Our students and teachers benefit in that school year instructional opportunities are actually extended by this system.

Walk the halls and, in many regards, May and June look like any other two months of the school year.

Some may have the end of June on their minds, but it will not be because of oppressive heat and humidity.

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