Thursday, September 11, 2008

Personalizing Education

The Woodbury Public Schools are working hard to earn the recognition as a “leader in personalizing education.” This is a new phrase that is part of the new mission statement of the district. We may not always get it right, but it is a concept that is paramount in our thinking and present in our decision-making.

I point this out at this time of the year because I want to be sure that you take the teachers and principals at their word when they indicate to you that you should reach out and ask any questions, express concerns, or share ideas. I am sure that you will hear this from them as you met up at Back-to-School Night events.

Simply pick up a phone, send an e-mail or arrange for a visit. We truly want to hear from you about your experiences and your child’s experiences in our schools. We are working together to make the Woodbury Public Schools the best educational experience for all.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Jones,
When will the powerschool program be up and running? And will all teachers be required to use it?? I hope so, because not all of teachers complied in the past.


Joseph Jones said...

The program has been up and running since the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, the link on our website was not connecting properly. It has now been corrected.

All the teachers will be using Powerschool. It is a new system and so some will be learning the new features, etc., but you should see grades appearing shortly (if not already!)

There is a link to Powerschool on the main page of our website on the far left side.

Feel free to reach out to specific teachers or the building principal with any additional concerns or questions.